Wednesday, February 2, 2011

While watching a bunch of rambunctious toddlers at a local MOPS program, my daughter Mariah was interrogated by an older woman who also was volunteering her time.

"So, you are homeschooled? Do you really do school every day? What about Math? Every day?
Does your mom check your work? Does your mom use tests? Do you have to send any test results to the state?"

When Mariah later told me how she had answered the woman, I was proud of her. She was respectful, and answered the questions well.

And then Mariah began to laugh.

The woman's last comment was
"Well, I know some homeschoolers and they don't know nothin'."

Seriously, what do you say to that??

1 comment:

  1. Rolling my eyes... There ISN'T anything to say to that!
